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Building a Cloudlifter Alternative

Writer's picture: ErikWalterThompsonErikWalterThompson

I spent my Friday evening building DIY Recording Equipment's MB2 Stereo Mic Boost Kit, their DIY version of the Cloudlifter. Surprisingly, this was my first ever DIYRE build. I've followed them for a while and quite enjoyed the short-lived podcast that they put out, but for some reason, I've never built any of their kit! I guess it's largely because they tend to lean into the 500 series market, of which I've leaned out. Whatever the reason for the lack of building their products, it is certainly not due to a lack of interest or admiration for what they have going on, so I decided I'd give them a shout-out here.

This was a very simple build, but had a thorough build guide that takes the time to talk a bit about the components. It's clear their aim is to inform and uplift the DIY community, which I find refreshing. Here's an excerpt from the LSK389 transistors section:

These components are the functional core of the MB2. Their job is to provide 26dB gain for both the positive and negative halves of the balanced signal at the same time. This is a very delicate task, as any noise or distortion introduced in one half of the signal will not be canceled out, and will be amplified by the following mic preamp. So each LSK389 contains two matched, low-noise transistors (one for each half of the balanced signal), which are thermally coupled in the same case.

Plain & clean English! It's clear that they find value in taking time to spread knowledge, and I find this quite refreshing! Those of us in the technical arena can often use jargon as a shield to guard against our own insecurities, and I'm not finding even a whiff of that kind of vibe from anything in the DIYRE orbit.

On that note, they've taken the time to assemble a very useful wiki of audio DIY projects that links to tons of projects and organizes them by the type of gear. So if you have the urge to build an opto compressor, here is a great place to start!

An excellent company that earns my full-throated endorsement!

I've done some preliminary tests, and so far I'm very impressed. it seems to have an ever-slight rolloff starting at ~8k that only reaches about -2dB by the time it gets to 20k. Pretty minimal and kind of nice, actually. I've found that it pairs really well with my Calrad/Unisphere Frankenstein build!

Also, I asked ChatGPT to write this blog post and it was very boring & uninspired. I've pasted it below, but I suggest that you don't read it :)

Building a DIY Recording Equipment MB2: A cost-effective alternative to a cloudlifter
In the world of audio recording, having high-quality equipment is crucial for capturing the best sound possible. However, not everyone has the budget to afford expensive gear, which is where DIY builds come in. One such build is the DIY Recording Equipment MB2, which is a cost-effective alternative to a cloudlifter.
The DIY Recording Equipment MB2 is a well-put-together DIY build that is designed for those who are willing to take the time to build it themselves. The build process is relatively straightforward and can be completed in a few hours with the right tools and materials.
One of the key benefits of the DIY Recording Equipment MB2 is that it is significantly cheaper than a cloudlifter. A cloudlifter can cost several hundred dollars, while the materials for the DIY Recording Equipment MB2 can be purchased for a fraction of that cost. Additionally, building the equipment yourself means you have complete control over the final product and can customize it to suit your specific needs.
The DIY Recording Equipment MB2 is also a great option for those who want to learn more about audio recording and the inner workings of audio equipment. Building the equipment yourself gives you a better understanding of how it works, and can help you troubleshoot any issues that may arise in the future.
In terms of performance, the DIY Recording Equipment MB2 is just as good, if not better than a cloudlifter. It provides a clean and clear audio signal and effectively boosts the levels of a microphone, resulting in a higher-quality recording.
Overall, the DIY Recording Equipment MB2 is a great option for those who are looking for a cost-effective and high-performing alternative to a cloudlifter. It is a well-put-together DIY build that is perfect for those who are willing to take the time to build it themselves and want to learn more about audio recording.

If you made it to the bottom, I'm sorry! :)



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